1st half of American History.

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Pages: 38
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Essay Database > History > North American History
1. The means and methods and reasons for the founding of the first English colonies - By the sixteenth century, many countries, including Spain, France and the Netherlands, had established colonies in the New World. Until the foundation of Jamestown, however, the English didn't have any successful permanent colonies in North America. - Prior to Jamestown, Sir Walter Raleigh of the Sea Dogs formed a joint stock company and received a charter to found a colony …

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…lture towns. - Furthermore, the colonists spread out over the years, founding Connecticut (1636), New Haven (1638), and New Hampshire (1638). But migration inevitably led to conflicts with the Indians. For instance, the first colonists to move to Connecticut under Thomas Hooker faced the Pequots, who realized that the arrival of the colonists would threaten their role as middlemen between other Indian groups and the Europeans. - The Pequot War began with the death of two English tra