1st amendment rights
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Pages: 5
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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > History
Throughout the history of this great country America has been faced with a immense problem on where the line should be drawn on matters concerning the government. This has arisen from the foundation on which the Americans fought the British for "equal and personal freedom," in the American Revolution. To this day the rights that were established, as guarantees in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Constitutional Amendments must still be defined as different
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everything within power to shut this exhibit down. I do not see any good coming from this exhibit. If we punish the Brooklyn Museum of Art, not only will it teach them a lesson, but it will show that in the future we are not going to take such tasteless trash. In closing, I feel the city has every right to pull the public funding granted to the museum until the exhibit is shut down.
everything within power to shut this exhibit down. I do not see any good coming from this exhibit. If we punish the Brooklyn Museum of Art, not only will it teach them a lesson, but it will show that in the future we are not going to take such tasteless trash. In closing, I feel the city has every right to pull the public funding granted to the museum until the exhibit is shut down.