19th Century Literature

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"The only thing necessary for triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" (Edmund Burke). When good and honorable men allow evil to endure because they don't stand up for the just thing, then that is when evil truly does take over. Writers of the 19th century witnessed this scenario over and over again. Men knew that slavery and women not being able to vote were the wrong thing, yet many did little …

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…shall we justify one wrong by another?" The answer to that question is no, two wrongs do not make a right. Finally, Douglass feels that even though the Black man is free, White men still treat them substandard. Oppressed, discriminated against, and rejected by society, the Black man wants to feel like he belongs in that society in which he is apart of. To be treated with respect, is truly what the Black man wants.