19th Century Immigration and Population Growth.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After Jackson's first term of presidency, the nation began to double and triple in population each year. This was caused by a few different factors. In the mid- 19th century, the western frontier opened up to whoever wanted to move there. There was un-worked fertile land for farming, lots of animals to trap for fur, ice to fish in, trees to be lumbered, and many other money-making and trade inducing activities that had never been …

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…contribute to the democracy. Because of popular demand, the slave trade with Africa was halted, and many blacks were freed. However, there were bad things that happened like the overcrowding, poor sanitation and riots caused by people fighting over jobs. Also, the blacks were now an extreme minority, since their race was no longer arriving in America and so many Eastern Europeans were. The country moved on, though, and created a greater America for everyone.