1990s 1880s economy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
As one can see there are many striking parallels between the Gilded Age or the era from the eighteen eighties to the eighteen nineties compared to the Silicon Age of the nineteen eighties to the nineteen nineties. The preconditions for these two massive economic booms share similar birth paths laid in laissez faire policy, no regulation or deregulation and innovative booms. Before the 1880's there was no real conflict between the welfare of the American …

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…politicians and policymakers are starting to grasp the new technological and economic realities.(Business Week). The New Economy or Silicon Age of the 21st Century Economy will still resemble the economies of old in market behavior though. Each innovative surge creates economic and social ills, from recessions to stock-market crashes to widespread job losses, and this one won't be different. But that's the price a nation must pay to achieve the benefits of dynamic change.