"1984" by George Orwell Assignment: Explore a novel in which the major themes are developed in the first chapter and explain how these themes contribute to the work as a whole.

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In his novel, 1984, George Orwell sets the scene in the first chapter by establishing the atmosphere that illustrates the oppression of an omnipotent government. The setting that is created in the first chapter displays the domination of the government over the masses of Oceana and the description of the party itself illustrates the power that a government may obtain through manipulation. The culmination of the themes in the first chapter proves the terrors that the …

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…and essentially achieving ultimate power. The first chapter in the novel develops the oppressive atmosphere of the totalitarian government and illustrates the enormity of the power that can thus be achieved through manipulation and suppression. As the first chapter is only a minor introduction to the extreme horror in which the citizens of Oceana must live, Orwell's meaning is clear that a totalitarian government forces its people to live lives that are not their own.