1984 by George Orwell - Book Report

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
1984 by George Orwell Character sketch by Jeffrey Bowerman. The two main characters in 1984 are Winston Smith and Julia. Winston has his beliefs. It is very hard to make him believe in someone else's ideas or lies. He is a little paranoid about people watching him. In the story 1984, people can be watched through TVs (telescreens). Because of this paranoia, he found a place in his apartment were he could sit without being seen. He spends …

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…but if he has to deal with it, he does it with force. If Winston had to go grocery shopping, he would be as quick as possible. He would probably not do the best possible job, and he would probably forget things. Winston would not use any coupons or go to certain stores because they were cheaper. He would not enjoy shopping. Winston would try to get other people to do the shopping for him.