1984 DBQ: Farmer

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Essay Database > History
DBQ Essay: Farmer's Discontent It's amazing that a group of farmers sick of their surroundings and the inequalities all around them could get together a political party that would be the first third-party in history to mount one millions votes. That party, of course, is the Populist party, which was introduced and invented by planters who were irate about getting the rest of the nation rich. These farmers of the late 1800's were bitter, and …

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…Populist party or the Alliance. It is a perfect example of how a group of people, as downtrodden as they may be, can do something to change their lives. The farmers who gathered together to get into politics ended up changing history. They had many reasons to be bitter, and although some farmers stretched to find reasons for their own poverty, most were faced with many real problems and inequalities and had genuine valid claims.