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Essay Database > Literature > English
George Orwell has captured the helplessness of a man in a dictatorship. George has taken some examples of modern society and created the worst. 1984's main character is Winston Smith. He is a man who disagrees with the opinions of the self righteous government (Big Brother) that rules Oceania, one of three superstates in the world of 1984. We begin the book with Winston, and learn that Big Brother is quite fictional. The government has developed …

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…and fully accepting both. Doublethink and metaphysics are the engines behind the three world governments, and is defined by O'Brien. "Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else," says O'Brien. " . . . In the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth." 1984 has captured the political corruption and intrigue that only happens rarely in our own society. Orwell has just made it clear what could happen.