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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
George Orwell - '1984' - a bookreport by Olivier Stulp - Author: George Orwell (his real name was Eric Blair), was born in India in 1903. He was educated at Eton. From 1922 to 1928 he served in Burma in the Indian Imperial Police, the following two years he lived in Paris and after that went back to England as a schoolteacher. Later he worked in a bookshop and went to Spain in 1937 to fight for the
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the first time by calling the suffering upon her, in order to save himself, at that point he is completely turned over to the party. And he is released. And he LOVES Big Brother. Outside, in the world again, with another identity, he meets Julia once, almost unrecognizably change! d. Then the story ends... - The End - 1984 is divided into three part. The first part contains action occurring over a period of several months
the first time by calling the suffering upon her, in order to save himself, at that point he is completely turned over to the party. And he is released. And he LOVES Big Brother. Outside, in the world again, with another identity, he meets Julia once, almost unrecognizably change! d. Then the story ends... - The End - 1984 is divided into three part. The first part contains action occurring over a period of several months