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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
1984 I984 to briefly sum it up is a novel of a utopian society gone terribly wrong. The novel is based around a character named Winston who is a citizen of Oceania and a member of the outer party. To understand who Winston is you must understand the demographics of Oceania. Oceania is divided among 4 social groups: the enemy, The proles, the outer members, and the inner party members. As much as 80% of the population (The …

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…he would get caught eventually. Winston was alienated before Julia. He didn't have much contact with other people; he was constantly hungry both physically and emotionally. However, it is ironic that Winston enjoys the work he does but he hates the falsification. 1984 is a satire of the upper class. The members of the Upper class believe that they have supeiority over the common people. They are always wanting more than what is given to them.