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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Since the beginning of the United States, Americans have always viewed the future in two ways; one, as the perfect society with a perfect government, or two, as a communistic world where free will no longer exists and no one is happy. The novel 1984 by George Orwell is a combination of both theories. On the "bad" side, a communist state exists which is enforced with surveillance technology and loyal patriots. On the "good" side, however, …

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…written to exaggerate Communist and other conditions of society surrounding him, 1984 presents an important guide to life for modern Americans. Just as a major objective of learning American history is to ensure that we do not repeat our mistakes, 1984 can give warnings to both government systems and individuals regarding how society should not be controlled. The vigorous control system presented in the book stands as a method by which no American would want to live.