1964 civil rights act

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The 1964 Civil Rights Act The 1964 Civil Rights Act affected me in many ways. To fully understand how the 1964 Civil Rights Act affected me, you must first know some information about it. There were many hard times in 1964. The 1964 Civil Rights Act was not brought about easily by one person, but was instead a culmination of many great men. The following will describe the 1964 Civil Rights Act and explain how I as well as everyone else …

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…together. I am very grateful that this act passed. I would have been deprived of my best friend had it not been for the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The 1964 Civil Rights Act has provided me with the opportunity to build many friendships with people who are of a different race than I am. I am now able to learn more about different races and what they went through thanks to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**