1960s Economy

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Essay Database > History
To trace the business cycle of the 1960s you must first realize that the 60s were a time of change for everyone. There was the idea of war and peace, sex, drugs, and rock and roll as the saying goes. When you look at the economic history in this decade you realize that these things not only affected people socially, but also economically. At the beginning of the decade the United States was in a …

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…the effort to contain communism in Vietnam. (Spulber, 5) This will lead us into the seventies in a recession. As you can see the sixties were basically a time of economic growth. There was a slight rise and fall pattern, but the economy over all was good. Taxes were reduced and consumer confidence was at a high level. Through the decade of the sixties there were many changes going on socially which led also to economic.