1954 term paper

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In the year 1954, the United States was changing rapidly. President Eisenhower, a Republican, was in the midst of his first term. Eisenhower had just announced to the world that the United States had in fact developed and successfully tested the first hydrogen bomb two years prior. Mamie Eisenhower christened the Nautilus, which was the first submarine to run on nuclear power. The great court decision, "Brown vs. the Board of Education," called for the integration …

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…With Indictment Thursday." The New York Times 24 Aug. 1954: 27:3 Jones, S. D. Our Century 1950-1960. Milwaukee: Garett Stevens Publisher, 1989. Melinkoft, Ellen. What We Wore. New York: William Marrow Co. Inc., 1984. "Murder Charges Face Teen Killers." The New York Times 20 Aug. 1954: 62:4 "One Youth Clear In Dock Murder." The New York Times 10 Dec. 1954: 21:1 "Teen-Age Killers Guilty, Face Life." The New York Times 15 Dec. 1954: 1:5 "Teen-Age Killers Identify Body Of 2d Victim, Taken From River." The New York Times 21 Aug. 1954: 1:5