1930s Decade Essay
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Essay Database > History
1930's Decade Essay
The 1930's was a decade of pain, loss, struggle, and eventually, a new
beginning. Through the convictions of a money crisis which started the Great Depression
of not only the Nation, but the World, many citizens lost everything proving that the
Stock Market crash left the 1930's in full out pain and struggle. To escape the pressures
of the Depression and unemployment, many turned to the likes of entertainment as a
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entertainment and a warm-hearted reformer, they dug themselves out of the depression and made a better life for themselves, their children and the children of the Nation. Just think what life would be like now if the World had chosen to stay with the same president or if the Nation chose a different leader who later became a Totalitarian and believed that the master race was made up of blond haired people with blue eyes.
entertainment and a warm-hearted reformer, they dug themselves out of the depression and made a better life for themselves, their children and the children of the Nation. Just think what life would be like now if the World had chosen to stay with the same president or if the Nation chose a different leader who later became a Totalitarian and believed that the master race was made up of blond haired people with blue eyes.