1848 Revolutions Study Guide is a documents containing 7 pages of detailed, bibliographed information separated into categories.

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IB History 1848 Revolutions Study Guide Main Themes (John R. Barber) France * In the 1840's the rapidly crumbling economy sparked discontent amongst the French populace. * Restrictions on demonstrations led to violent uprising and even more discontent from the populace. * With the coming of Louis XVIII in 1830 the people started attacking the monarchy. Such protests and demonstrations peaked in 1848 as the most popular revolutions in Europe have started. * A gathering of French people who were to voice …

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…however he is rather good at addressing minor IB requirements such as the role of women etc. 1848 Revolutions Videos, Scripts The Videos about 1848 revolution only supplied minor information about the general nature of the event while all the information covered in the videos was taken from the reading that we have done. No additional information, instead of additional information there is a chance of making a historical mistake because some skits were not well researched.