1820-1848 Revolutions compared to Woodstock 99

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Essay Database > History > European History
Revolutionary ideas almost always come from a sort of hate or dislike towards the conventional ideas. Most likely this is a group of people that have hate toward an authoritarian group and its policies. The Woodstock riots are a good example of a group of people opposing the authorities' policies. Because of the Woodstock's riots involve an extreme amount of hatred, it relates well to many revolutions in the past, however the July revolution in 1830 …

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…did not have weapons, and the opposition was above their standards. <Tab/>One thing in common with both these revolutions is that they both have the indescribable 'smell' of anger. The modern world learns from history especially revolutions, and connecting a modern, and historical revolution can teach us a great deal. In a way Charles X and the authorities of the Woodstock 99 concert are similar, and so are the two revolutions.