12 specific guidelines for communication with deaf blind children.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
12 specific guidelines for communication with deaf blind children. 1.Start by forming an emotional bond with the child through co-active participation in enjoyable activities. Introduce language through the appropriate media and at the appropriate level 2.No child will communicate, unless he has a reason. 3.Points out the need for cues. " 4.You will have to repeat the communication much time before the child understands. 5.Talk to the MSD baby or child as you would to a hearing …

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…are when we are annoyed with that person and to get our emotions across to other people, a lot of information is giving through our eye contact with others when we use eye contact we use our cognitive to provide cues our monitoring provides information to regulatory to manage the flow of communication with signals when we do not want to interact with other person and expressive to provide information about our feelings, emotions, attitudes.