12 Angry Men stereotypes

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Description: This movie depicts jury deliberations in a murder case. The first vote is 11 to 1 to convict but .... The film is based on the play by Reginald Rose. Both versions are excellent, however, the original black and white version is better than the remake. Benefits: 12 Angry Men is a primer on what to do and what not to do when deliberating as a juror. At first, only one juror applies the correct legal standard of …

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…principle of punishment for one's evil deeds. Oftentimes, when non-ethical attitudes are shown, they are also rebuked. Another positive aspect of this movie is that we are encouraged to seek the truth and not be so quick to judge others. The most prevalent biblical principle that many Christians will be able to identify with is the issue of standing up for your beliefs, even if you have to stand alone and be ridiculed by others.