12 Angry Men

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
12 Angry Men: Juror #8 is the Most Important Juror Juror #8 was the most important juror in the play Twelve Angry Men for a number of reasons. The first reason is that when all the other jurors voted guilty without even thinking about their decisions, Juror #8 suggested that they talk about it before jumping to conclusions. Even when some of the other jurors got mad and started yelling at him, he stayed calm and tried to work …

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…old man to have made it in fifteen. By doing this re-enactment, he changed the minds of several other jurors. With the points I have given, Juror #8 is the most important juror. Not only did he do what he felt was the right thing to do, but he also may have saved a boy's life. For these reasons Juror #8 is the most important juror in the play Twelve Angry Men. Bibliography English Literature Book Words: 540