12 Angry Men - Critical Thinkers

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The Jury Who Had To Use Thinking Skills In Twelve Angry Men, a young man is on trial for stabbing and killing his father. The movie focuses on twelve randomly selected citizens who are assigned the duty of determining the fate of this 19 year old man. The jury is supposed to examine certain facts and determine the truth based solely on the evidence presented to them in court. It is assumed that the jurors will …

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…thinking is and how to apply. This film taught me that you have to approach decisions in a certain manner. I need to keep an open mind, be level-headed, express my opinions and not judge others. Thinking critically implies that brain power of yours and your peers is needed to get a better understanding of everyday life. Respecting others around you is key. In order to use critical thinking, one must know what it entails.