100 years of flight

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The history of flight begins as early as the Greek Gods. The experiments and attempts to fly were unsuccessful until the early 1900s, where two brothers, Orville and Wilbert Wright, designed a glider that was finally a success. It took them years to research the works of others who experimented with flight. By 1900 they carefully started designing their first full-sized aircraft, which was at first to be used as a kite and controlled from the …

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…resourceful use of transportation. Airline planes are used to transport people and their belongings to their destinations. Army planes are used to transport troops in and out of combat, and in battle. Helicopters today are also used in the army. Helicopters are also functional for news or radio stations for many different things including traffic reports. Without flight today we would not be able to function and be as flexible as we are with flight.