1.<Tab/>How far is the investigation of crime an 'art' and how far is it a 'science'?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Introduction Investigating criminal offences is one the most important aspects of law enforcement. Once a crime is reported to the police, investigators have several responsibilities to work towards solving the crime. This includes gathering documents, evidence and information from various sources. For the most part, the roots of criminal investigation can be traced back to England in the eighteenth century, a time period marked by numerous social, political and economic changes. These changes were catalysts …

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…numerous variety of factors in any particular crime, ensure that the judgment and skill of the investigator will always be necessary in criminal investigations. Overall the evidence provided by science and by investigation of the investigator must ultimately be weighed and evaluated by the human beings who are the judge and jury. There should be an even balance between the use of scientific evidence and the skill and art of the detective when investigating crime.