1. What is the policy of multiculturalism and why was it introduced by the 1970's? 2. The effects that the policy of multiculturalism has had on Australian culture and society. 3. Case Study:

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1. What is the policy of multiculturalism and why was it introduced by the 1970's? The policy of multiculturalism was embraced by the Whitlam Labor government in 1972. The policy recognised ethnic groups across Australia could preserve their identities and cultural heritage while at the same time having an overall commitment to the nation as a whole. In 1977 a charter for multicultural Australia was drawn up. This charter recognised the three basic principles for multiculturalism to be …

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…is in a high management position at the Asics sporting company. Diana feels that coming to Australia was definitely the right move. The government policies weren't hard on her as she said "..., we migrated here in the late 80's so I think the policies weren't so harsh to new migrants." She said that generally everyone was friendly to her she is glad that she migrated here as it is a good environment for her children.