1-3 is an analysis of who has power in the story. Macomber or Margot. 4. is about how we know that Macombers dream is fake and 5. shows how existentialism is portrayed w/in the story

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Essay Database > Literature
1.In the beginning of "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" by Hemingway is where Harry's personality will be examined. Harry first speaks and refers to death when he says, "the marvelous thing is that it's painless" he also asks as to whether it is the "sight" or the "stench" of his infected leg that has drawn the "filthy birds." It is noticeable that he is a bit of a realist (or a pessimistic) since his reply to …

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…first making no real effort to change the meaning of his life. He only did what he thought could help him make money (being with women such as Helen) but he did not realize and act on his true passion and that passion was writing. If he had not cared about writing he would not have tried to keep in his memory everything that he had experienced that he had wanted write on paper about.