immigration policies of Australia and is the whitlam governemnt mainly responsible for multicultural Australia today?

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Essay Database > History > World History
Year 10 history assessment! A) Compare and contrast the immigration policies of the commonwealth government for the following two periods: ·<Tab/>1945 to the 1960's ·<Tab/>1972 to the 1990's B) To what extent was the Whitlam government responsible for modern day multicultural Australia? The immigration policies of the 1945 to the 1960s period and the period between 1972 to the 1990s is similar in some …

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…strategies has had a profound impact on Australian society. The special needs and opportunities presented by this ongoing cultural diversity will continue to require the proactive strategies, policies and programs that are appropriately attributed to multiculturalism. Bibliography books jacaranda stage 5 history- anderson conroy keese low from white Australia to Woomera