death of a salesman

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The American Dream Many people in different parts of the world a wait anxiously to gain entrance to America. America to them remains the land of opportunity. The land of freedom. The American Dream encompasses, as Thomas Jefferson so clearly defined in his Declaration of Independence life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although those freedoms remain the core basis, the dreams themselves have altered. Success, power, and wealth undermine the motives of men and …

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…a home and their own business. Americans as a whole are achieving their dreams. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are a constant goal, especially the latter. Men, women, and children are always in that pursuit; often times materialism lies root to the source of happiness, but many find happiness in other things; simple things such as a beautiful morning, or a walk in the park-these are the things Americans cherish. Happiness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**