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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Creatine Monohydrate What it is- How it works- Side effects Creatine Although some athletes have used drugs to enhance performance, most recognize the danger. However, to gain a competitive edge yet not jeopardize health, some athletes have sought nutritional supplements to enhance performance. There have been many popular supplements that have come and gone over the years, most proving to be ineffective. Creatine, however, has become the most popular nutritional supplement of the past decade. …

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…seen in those commercials. All in all creatine seems to good to be true, and in my opinion that is the only cause for skepticism. References -Nutritional -Balsom, P.D., et al. (1995) Skeletal muscle metabolism during short duration high-intensity exercise: influence of creatine supplementation. Acta-Physiol-Scand 1995 Jul; 154(3): 303-10 -Birch, R., et al. (1994) The influence of dietary creatine supplementation on performance during repeated bouts of maximal isokinetic cycling in man. Eur-J-Appl-Physiol. 1994; 69(3): 268-76 -Health