Valdese, NC: A Historic, Economic, and Educationally Thriving City.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Essay Question and Description: The paper assignment was to right about local town that had historic background, economic ties to the state, and educational opportunities compared to the rest of the state. This paper is about a small North Carolina town that is wealthy in History (with the hisotric Waldensians' leaving Italy because of religious oppression over 100 years ago), the towns economic ties to the state (textiles, one of top industries in NC), and a …

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…rate of it and that of the state statistically shows that this community is aware of the need for people to stay in school. Compared to N.C. as a whole, Valdese holds a vital part of the economic features that makes up that of the state's industrial products. Valdese is also one of the stereotypical small communities that makes up much of the state's population. North Carolina is known for its small communities and