This is from a DBQ: Despite being settled by people of English origin, a difference in the development of the New England and Chesapeake regions occurred by 1700.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The regions evolved into "two distinct societies". The settlers of these regions differed in motives for leaving England, and in the types of governments they enacted once arriving. In addition, each region was comprised of dissimilar populations, skills and lifestyles. This had a major impact on the development of these distinct regions. <Tab/>The Chesapeake and New England colonies developed differently as a result of their motives for leaving England. Having …

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…origin settled New England and the Chesapeake colonies the two areas developed uniquely. The Chesapeake colonies evolved into a tobacco industry with settlers putting aside religious motives to become wealthy. While the New England colonies became a safe haven for Puritan worship and area for family life. The Chesapeake colonies became economically wealthy exporting 1.5 million pounds of cured leaves in 1620 while the New England colonies became a place for families to live a lengthy life.