"The black robe": purpose of making of film, analyzis of characters and historical context

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Film Critique The Black Robe The purpose for production behind The Film "The Black Robe" by Robert Lantor was to tell the story of a Jesuit missioner named Paul Lafarge and his quest to convert the indigenous population of Canada into Christianity in the 1600's. Although the main plot of the story is to tell Lafarge's story, it is also intended to portray trough the film the differences between the indigenous customs and traditions and …

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…man being. The goodness of his character is exaggerated and this time Christianity is given favoritism over the Indians by the producers. I would recommend this film to anyone interested in the history of the missions and early settlements in North America. This film is also good for viewers who enjoy drama and sentimental works. The acting, costumes and camera management are excellent. The only flaw in this film in my opinion is the end.