The Winnipeg general strike.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Winnipeg General Strike: A revolution is the forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system (Oxford Dictionary). Does it apply to the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919? Was what happened to Winnipeg an attempt of a revolution? This essay will attempt to answer these questions. General strikes are violent events that are unlikely to be created in a day. They are usually created from many years of bitterness. One …

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…although events and actions were treated like one. However, this was probably the closest event in Canadian history to a revolution. As stated, a revolution is an attempt to overthrow a government, but in the case of the "Winnipeg General Strike", the intentions of the workers were not such. The workers only wanted better wages and a better working environment. Therefore, this not an attempt of a revolution, but a strike to improve working conditions.