The Korean War

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
The Korean War is often referred to as the forgotten war. There are no monuments in Washington D.C. to acknowledge the thousands of American soldiers who fought valiantly and died for their country's political interests. There are no annual parades, and little information in text books to inform anyone on the war. Korea was a bloody war. The United States sustained over 140,000 casualties with 33,000 killed in action, yet the U.S. never formally honored …

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…this part of the war because later into the war, MacArthur was becoming arrogant and Truman was smart to see this. MacArthur wanted to basically take over China and their government, but when Truman learned this, he immediately removed MacArthur from the war and replaced him with General Ridgeway. This is very important for the whole Korean War because if Truman had gone with MacArthur's plans, World War III could have been started very easily.