The Garcia Girls Struggle to Become Americans

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
"Alvrez never once allows reader to think growing up in a foreign culture, expecially the United States, is ever easy."As the tale of the Garcias in the new world progresses, each of the family members, mostly the girls, recount in the troubles and the obstacles they overcame. All four had to deal with the pressures of having Old World parents."(P.186) As soon as one enters a new environment, they would usually start acclimating …

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…when they are from Europe, they could do it just as good as them. They experienced cultrual clash, racism, pervism and disagreements with their beloved dad, Carlos. Being an immigrant in America is never easy, the Garcia girls, of course won't be an exception. Citations 1) Novels for Students (P.180, P.181, P.186, P.187) Volume 5 2) Hispanic Literature Critism:Supplement,Vol 1(P.116) 3) 4)