Robert Rodriguez Film Once Upon a Time in Mexico This is a structural review.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The film I chose for analysis is Once Upon a Time in Mexico. I viewed this film on November 17, 2003 at the Channel Islands Theater in Oxnard. The structural effect I am critiquing is the dynamic editing effect. This film is full of very fast paced action scenes throughout the entire film. To really understand and keep up, one must have a good analytical mind because there are several story lines that blend in together at …

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…involved. Prior to taking this class I only viewed films for the story line, plot, or character's roles. I did not realize all the talent, creativity, and hard work that was involved. I now view films from a different prospective. I can see the editing structural effects, camera angles, lighting effects, context to the frame, and the effect the director is going for. This class has helped be understand filmmaking and film viewing more clearly.