Reforming the National Health System in UK in 1990. Sucess or failure ?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
REFORMING THE NHS IN THE 1990s . SUCCESS OR FAILURE ? The health care system of many countries throughout the developed world are being reformed and restructed. In the current ferment of change and experimentation, the British Health service is in the forefront. A pioneering concept in 1948, the NHS remained the prime example of a centrally planned and funded public health servive. In 1990 it again pioneered a new model of organising and delierening health services. By the …

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…Longman 2. Carrier, J. & Kendell, I. (1998) Health and the National Health Service , CUP 3. Collee, J. (1996) " NHS problems are to do with inequality, not resources ", The Observer, 10 March 1996 4. Davies, M. (1999) " An unhealthy situation ", Spotlight , March 1999 5. North, N. & Bradshaw, Y. (1997), Perspectives in Health Care , Macmillian Press Ltd. 6. Modern English Teacher, October 1995 7. Moore, S. (1995) Social Welfare Alive !, T. J. Press Ltd 8. Ranade, W. (1995) A future for the NHS ? Health Care in the 1990s, Longman 9. The Guardian, 21 March 1992