Henrik Ibsen's play, "A Doll's House".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Henrik Ibsen's play, "A Doll's House", the central theme is Nora's rebellion against society and everything that was expected of her. Nora shows this by breaking away from all the standards and expectations that her husband and society had set up for her. In her time, women were not supposed to be independent. They were to support their husband, take care of their children, cook, clean, make everything perfect around the house, and do …

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…that time "a perfect marriage", the only thing it lacked was love and understanding. This was shown when he got mad and furious when he found out that she forged a signature to take out the loan to save his life. Henrik Ibsen uses Nora's rebellions to show that society's expectations of a woman's roll in a marriage were wrong and that there should be more equality, love, and understanding in Torvald and Nora's marriage.