Flannery O'Conners "Good Country People"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Love and friendship can make a wonderful story but why not add a twist of mistrust and deceit. That's what Flannery O'conner did in "Good Country People." By doing this she communicated her theme that people aren't always what them seem. The Irony of the characters and what they symbolize exaggerates the theme very well. The way the characters were developed showed their diversity in "Good Country People". Hulga had a degree in philosophy which …

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…from the Bible. Finally Hulga accepts her name of Joy again and hopefully appreciates her family and how good that it can be from time to time to be simple. The salesman isn't heard from again and life goes on. But after all of the twists and turns of the story "Good country People" by Flannery O' Conner, one learns a moral from all the evil and mistrust. Never judge a book by its cover.