Executive Women: Substance Plus Style

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Executive Women: Substance Plus Style The article 'Executive Women: Substance Plus Style' deals with the issue of whether the 'abilities and attitudes of male managers are different from those of female managers' and that these differences have been used to keep women out of managerial positions. Furthermore, it suggests that it has now become 'fashionable' to state that these differences are favorable and complement the business environment. Lastly, the article focused on several strategies that …

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…their behavior to become successful, perhaps it is time that men adjust their own behavior to better integrate what constitutes the other half of the population of our society. It would be interesting to see the outcome of an experimental study that observed how role reversal training could possibly affect the attitudes of male business leaders. References 1. Morrison, A.R., White, R.P., Van Elsor, E. (1987 August). Executive Women: Substance Plus Style. Psychology Today, 18-26.