Essay on 'A Christmas Carol,' and 'Through the Tunnel.'

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The two stories, 'A Christmas Carol,' and 'Through the Tunnel,' contrast each other in different ways but are surprisingly similar in others. The fact that Dickens wrote in the Victorian times and Lessing produced a post 19th Century novel is reflected in their style of writing. Dickens's father was constantly in debt, which caused the family to escape from people who they owed money. As a result, Dickens's father was sent to a …

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…Therefore, both these authors write differently mainly because they want a different atmosphere and also because they are writing to a different audience. It could be argued that as they are writing from different times, language has developed and therefore has changed, which possibly suggests why the style of writing is different. I personally enjoy reading Dickens works because they grab the reader's attention with the great imagination and a vast amount of description used.