Economics Theory and Crime. Why do criminals commit crime. Why is law enforcement failing in the war on drugs.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Economics Theory and Crime The purpose of this article is to show that economic theory can be used and applied to every aspect of life, even crime. The article explains that crimes which have high profit maximization such as stealing and drug dealing need laws to reflect punishments that hit the criminal where it hurts them the most; financially. Supposedly, criminals are rational people and decide to commit crimes the same way normal people make …

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…our money housing these criminals in jail, we should take the money they "worked" so hard for. Besides, there is no incentive not to murder your victims when robbing or your drug buyer when they do not have all of your money since the sentence for murder is less than that of the original crime. Of course, drug dealing probably would not be a crime if the government could find a way to tax it