Characteristic of Mistriss Hibbons in "The Scarlet Letter" by Nahaniel Hawthorne

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Evil can be defined as, 'That which is the reverse of good, physically or morally; whatever is censurable painful, disastrous, or undesirable.' In the novel 'The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mistriss Hibbins can also be defined in those terms. She is believed to be evil by many of the characters. Henry Louis Mencken once said, 'It is a sin to believe evil of others, but is seldom a mistake.' In this novel …

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…away, she would have went. 'I would willingly have gone with thee into the forest, and signed my name in the Black Man's book too, and that with my blood.' Pearl had saved her from becoming a witch. 'Even thus early had the child saved her from Satan's snare.' In conclusion, Mistriss Hibbons is a very important character whose interactions which the characters in the book could very well have changed the outcome.