Analysis of Thaddeus Watulak's "Affirmative Action Encourages Racism"

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Created Equal: Analysis of Thaddeus Watulak's "Affirmative Action Encourages Racism" It was as if even I were being discriminated against as I read Mr. ThaddeusWatulak's Essay on the relationship between affirmative action and discrimination. I had never actually thought about the implications or the effects of such a policy before. Mr. Watulak angrily asserts that affirmative action is most definatly a barrier to good relations between black and white America. He asks the question, " How …

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…powerfull appeal to the readers sense of right, a strong use of anecdotal stories, and by reaching out to partisans of affirmative action, Watulak draws a well planed out attack on the policy. His points are also inforced by his stead fast and obviouse resent of affirmative action, and go strait to the heart of his overall theme that affirmative action "is today the single largest obstacle to good race relations in this country." (206) 605 wds.