Vacation at My Home Town-- Ahmedabad

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Ahmedabad, the city of Ahmed Shah (Medieval ruler of Gujarat), is known for its rich past and its association with the Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi. The city offers a unique style of architecture, which is a blend of Hindu and Islamic styles (Indo-Saracenic style of architecture). The monuments of Ahmedabad mainly date back to the 15th century. Ahmedabad has been known for its industry since medieval times. It used to be famous for its textile …

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…Power) who supports the entire universe. The costumes worn for the dances are traditional and extremely colourful. These dances start very late at night and end in the early hours of the morning. These nine nights city never sleeps. You will have lot of fun during this time. You will definitely enjoy your vacation at this historic city with modern touch. I am sure Glimpses of Ahmedabad will stay in your memory for long time.