--- language of john donne by marufa sultana

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
John donne is a most remarkable of English poets. John donne use his language in different way in his poem. --Metaphysics--john has been classified as metaphysical poet. donne has used metaphysics in his poem. Example-- -- Love poem--he wrote many love poems .the good morrow, sun rising, song. This poem is based on love. --conceits--conceit is also the part of his language, which he used in his poem. In the song the whole of the …

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…time or different in environment. The total fulfillment and glory of love is portrait in the sun rising. "She is all states, and all princes I, Nothing else is." Over all this discussion we find many style about john donne which he used in his poem. We can find that he wrote two types of poem.1--love poem and 2--religious poem. And he used both types of poem are metaphysics, conceit, intellectual thoughts argument etc.