"The King of Hollywood"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
The time of great prosperity and change began to increase in the USA in the 1920s. "The Red Scare" frightened the minds of Americans and immigrants were coming from all over the world to the USA. People started the fashions of new music, American Jazz, and the Nineteenth Amendment was established, which gave the right to any woman to vote. It was also a time of industrial growth and intensive progress. New sources of entertainment …

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…the reasons for his attractiveness. Douglas Fairbanks Sr., athletic, optimistic, devoted and persona of endless possibilities, was one of the founders of American silent movies. He had a special impact both on his audience and his coworkers. He was a successful businessman with a vision in the film industry. Being an excellent actor, some of his pictures will never be forgotten and will remain in the minds of many Americans as "The King of Hollywood".