-Mark Rothko- Despite Rothko's achievements in the Art world.

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Art Appreciation <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> -Mark Rothko- Mark Rothko (Marcus Rothkowitz) was born in Dvinsk, Russia, on September 25, 1903, the fourth child of Jacob Rothkowitz, a pharmacist, and Anna Goldin Rothkowitz (4). Rothko and his family (Jewish) immigrated to the United States when he was ten years old, and settled in Portland, Oregon. Rothko attended Yale University in 1921, where he studied English, French, European history, …

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…they are detained by it. The paintings remain subject to the vicissitudes of what Rothko most despised: the politics of reputations, the unavoidable museums, the charades of the auction house, the eternal critical murmur (3)." <Tab/>Despite Rothko's achievements in the Art world, he was extremely depressed and committed suicide, February 25, 1970, at the age of 67 one of the world most influential artist lay dead never to create another piece of art again (3).