Shooting an marufa sultana

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Explanation... THE OLDER MEN SAID I WAS RIGHT,THE YOUNGER MEN SAID IT WAS A DAMN SHAME TO SHOOT AN ELEPHANT FOR KILLING A COOLIE, BECAUSE AN ELEPHANT WAS WORTH MORE THAN ANY DAMN CORINGHEE COOLIE. "Shooting an elephant" is the most famous essays by the author of famous writer "George Orwell". Here the narrator describes the reaction of the people after shooting an elephant. And he also legally showed the reason for killing an …

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…became mad and it had no control. The most legal point is that the elephant had killed the coolie. But we know that, the narrator killed the elephant that elephant was mad and also it had killed the coolie. But the main reason was he wanted to save his skin. He also realized that if there is anything wrong then he would be laughed at by was insulted.So he killed the elephant.