Oedipuss relationship to Mount Cithaeron

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus's life is lived out in many accomplishments and achievements. Mount Cithaeron symbolizes his journey from the being of his life to the end. It also symbolizes the important steps toward or trying to reach the peak, the perfect blend of mind and spirit. Mount Cithaeron portrays how people take a journey toward self awareness, and how most do not make. Oedipus's life has five accomplishments or steps on the road of Mount Cithaeron. Oedipus …

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…Jocasta found out the truth she killed herself. Seeing that Jocasta was dead and he had cursed his children, Oedipus poked his eyes out. Oedipus's life or journey up Mount Citaeron was good and bad. Oedipus played out his destiny or fate unknowingly. He was cursed from the beginning of his life. Oedipus did not reach the top, which was said to the spot of the gods, but he did go far. Bibliography Oedipus REx